Ball of Foot Pain

Pain felt on the ball of the foot is characterised by a stabbing ache while walking barefoot which makes you limp because of it. The “ball of foot” comprises a complex and fragile arrangement of small joints, muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, arteries, and veins – all of which are susceptible to injury.

The usual causes of ball-of-the-foot pain are the following:

  • Plantar plate injury
  • Morton’s neuroma (an inflamed nerve)
  • Bursitis
  • Stress fracture
  • Arthritis
  • Intrinsic muscle overuse
  • Capsulitis or synovitis.

Treatment of Ball-of-Foot Pain By Competent Podiatrists

We have a special interest on this type of condition and we assess and treat it successfully every day. In your appointment with The Fresh Foot Centre, we will perform a detailed biomechanical assessment to determine why a particular area is sore. We will use a computerised pressure plate system to see the peak pressure in the balls of both feet, and a 3D scanner to acquire a 3D image of your foot and correctly diagnose your condition.

We will be assessing your footwear together with the details surrounding your foot pain: severity, location, and what worsens or improves the pain. Should we need further diagnostics, we will refer directly for X-ray, MRI, or ultrasound. Moreover, a diagnosis can be made upon your initial appointment based on clinical findings and medical history. We will then discuss treatment options and commence the agreed plan immediately.