Knee Pain in Children


Is your child experiencing knee pain? Is the pain associated with walking, jumping, hopping, or any type of foot and lower limb activity?

You child may be suffering from either of these 2 disorders:

  • Patello-Femoral pain syndrome
  • Osgood-Schlatter’s disease

Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome is best defined as knee pain among children, particularly teenagers, in which the knee cap grinds across the joint of the leg and knee. On the other hand, Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, which is also known as a growth plate ailment, is a painful condition affecting the lower legs of kids and adolescents.

Podiatrists treat knee pain on a daily basis, whether it is caused by Patello-Femoral pain syndrome, Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, or any other lower limb disorder. The way your child walks and the movement on his or her knees are influenced by foot posture, hip and knee positioning.

Our podiatrists at The Fresh Foot Centre will do a thorough foot posture and walking assessment. They will examine the muscle lengths, the range of motion of the joints, the footwear in use, and the activities and sports of the patient. Most of all, we will determine the cause and nature of his/her knee pain in order for us to carry out an effective treatment plan that will re-align his/her knee position and prevent pain and damage.